I didn't understand the point of the holiday until just now [thanks Wikipedia. Read it, seriously could make a highly entertaining movie b/c its so ridiculous. So I know the only people who would click on that link are probly my parents and maybe sumin but she's already Wikipedia, so nobody b/c my parents know about the holiday, so im gonna tell you. Basically. Respected Chinese scholar gets accused of bad stuff, gets exiled, drowns himself after writing bitter poems. Townspeople try to save him b/c they think he's a righteous man, fail, and bam. Dragon boat festival. Oh wait, it gets better. (there's no such thing as a short Chinese story. Well it's all relative I guess.) in honor of dead scholar, townspeople throw cooked rice in river in honor until fisherman has a dream. A dream that white fish and black fish could someday stop eating the rice that was meant for the poor dead scholar. Sooo the locals decided to make zongzis instead (heavy packed down rice wrapped w/bamboo leaves) and throw that in…
2nd version—hungry fish were eating the dead guy and townspeople decide to throw zongzis in to feed the fish…] yay brackets! Haha
Before then, all I knew is that you eat zongzi and it's like the first day of spring in that it's never on the same day (that's how the 1st day of spring works right?...)anyways, because it was on Wed this year and the government actually supports capitalism and consumer spending, people work Sat and Sun and Mon, Tues, and Wed is a holiday. If it was Thursday, you'd get Thurs, Fri + weekend.
I had an actual Chinese meat zongzi and it was incredibly disappointing. I mean I never really liked them to start off with because I thought the rice tasted funny, but the first and only time I ever had a zongzi was when Jack n Jeff's mom made one for us and it was filled with meat…the one in china had a dinky little piece of meat in huge thing of packed rice…-_-.
Anyways, I'm kind of sad that it's over because seriously, it was the most perfectly timed holiday ever. Game 5 was 9 am Monday morning. Game 6 was Wed at 830 am. Game 7 is Friday morning at 830? I have a feeling it's going to be an unproductive Friday…although I might actually get to work on time (*gasp* or even early to) watch the game online…
Told you my parents didnt need wikipedia...well at least my dad haha
ReplyDeletedad: "QuYan jumped into the river, not because of his own fate, but more of desperate for the fate of
the country."
I used your comment of Jack&Jeff's mom's ZongZi to get some 粽子。Xiaoming 阿姨 红豆粽子 is very good so yammy. Victor loved the meat ones. 胡红 阿姨 will make some next week, just in time for my birthday.haha